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 IHTIC'S Mission
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Our ancestors understood birth as a rite of passage, a sacred event that carried deep communal and spiritual significance. Women were often surrounded by a circle of support, consisting of midwives, family members, and wise women who provided guidance, comfort, and encouragement throughout the birthing process. These caregivers not only attended to the physical needs of the birthing mother but also provided emotional and spiritual support, creating a holistic approach to childbirth. This environment fostered a sense of empowerment, respect, and awe for the natural birthing process, recognizing it as a profound life event deserving of reverence and celebration.

Reviving these ancient practices involves more than just a return to home births or the utilization of midwives. It's about reconnecting with the wisdom of our bodies and the earth, understanding that birth is a natural process that can be guided but not controlled. It's about creating spaces where mothers feel safe, supported, and honored in their birthing choices, whether that's at home, in a birthing center, or even in a hospital setting that respects these values. This movement also emphasizes the importance of community in the birthing process, recognizing that the birth of a child is a momentous event that ripples through families and communities, strengthening bonds and fostering a sense of belonging and continuity. Bringing back our ancestor's sacred birth work is a powerful step towards healing, empowerment, and reconnection with the very essence of what it means to bring life into this world.



Nuestros antepasados ​​entendían el nacimiento como un rito de iniciación, un evento sagrado que tenía un profundo significado comunitario y espiritual. Las mujeres a menudo estaban rodeadas de un círculo de apoyo, formado por parteras, familiares y mujeres sabias que les brindaban orientación, consuelo y aliento durante todo el proceso del parto. Estos cuidadores no sólo atendieron las necesidades físicas de la madre que dio a luz, sino que también brindaron apoyo emocional y espiritual, creando un enfoque holístico del parto. Este entorno fomentó una sensación de empoderamiento, respeto y asombro por el proceso natural del parto, reconociéndolo como un acontecimiento de vida profundo que merece reverencia y celebración.
Revivir estas antiguas prácticas implica algo más que volver a los partos en casa o recurrir a parteras. Se trata de reconectarnos con la sabiduría de nuestro cuerpo y de la tierra, entendiendo que el nacimiento es un proceso natural que puede ser guiado pero no controlado. Se trata de crear espacios donde las madres se sientan seguras, apoyadas y honradas en sus elecciones de parto, ya sea en casa, en un centro de maternidad o incluso en un hospital que respete estos valores. Este movimiento también enfatiza la importancia de la comunidad en el proceso de nacimiento, reconociendo que el nacimiento de un niño es un evento trascendental que se propaga a través de las familias y comunidades, fortaleciendo los vínculos y fomentando un sentido de pertenencia y continuidad. Recuperar el trabajo sagrado del nacimiento de nuestros antepasados ​​es un paso poderoso hacia la curación, el empoderamiento y la reconexión con la esencia misma de lo que significa traer vida a este mundo.


" As a first time mom nervous about delivery, I wanted a doula who could balance my desires to have a natural vaginal birth but would also be open to accepting medical intervention and pain relief should the situation call for it. After a lot of searching, Yohualitztli was the perfect match! She was a huge help during the birth of my son, especially as we ended up dealing with a diagnosis of severe pre-eclampsia that seemed to come out of nowhere. Her calm demeanor, quiet confidence and strength made me feel accompanied the whole way -- I really felt like I had an advocate whose sole job was to look out for me and what I wanted. in addition, Yohualitztil was great at touching base before the birth to see if I have any questions or concerns- and this continued after the birth as well. So glad that we had Yohualitztli with us on our Journey ."

- Mariana

"We worked with Yphualitztli after the birth of our second child in 2022.

"I was hesitant to hire a Doula at first, but the Ihtic team put all my worries at ease. They were professional, knowledgeable, and compassionate, and provided me with the emotional and physical support I needed to have a positive birth experience. I would highly recommend them to anyone looking for a Doula service."
L. Rodriguez

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